Our People

Training philosophy

The Cannon lab aims to produce tomorrow’s leaders in the field of neurotoxicology. While each individual in the lab has their own mechanistically driven hypothesis they are testing, we also work as a team to address complex biological problems. Our lab members are the most valuable resource we have. The lab will do all we can to help our members achieve their scientific and career development goals. Trainees are strongly encouraged to develop their own ideas and seek extramural funding that leads to transition to independence. We are a driven group of scientists rigorously addressing important problems in the field; challenging each other along the way.

Current full-time lab members

Jason CannonProfessorcannon@purdue.edu
Josephine Brown-LeungPh.D. candidatebrow1402@purdue.edu
Fatema CurrimPh.D. candidate/visiting scholarfcurrim@purdue.edu
Reeya TanwarPh.D. studentrtanwar@purdue.edu

Current lab members

Lab alumni (former postdocs, PhD students, MS-thesis students)