Lab News

June 3rd – A Legend Visited The HNVC Lab

We had the pleasure of welcoming Professor David Poole for a brief visit to our lab today. Dr. Poole is a University Distinguished Professor and Coffman Chair for Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Scholars in the Departments of Kinesiology and Anatomy & Physiology at Kansas State University.

In addition to his current roles, Professor Poole has held prestigious positions in his field, including serving as President of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Central States Chapter in 2001 and Chair of the Environmental and Exercise Physiology section of the American Physiological Society (APS) in 2021. He was honored to present the APS’s Adolph Distinguished Lecture in 2018, with a talk entitled “Muscle Microcirculation: Gateway to Function and Dysfunction.”

As a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), Dr. Poole delivered the Joseph B. Wolffe Memorial Lecture, “How Do YOU Power Aerobic Exercise,” at the ACSM’s 2021 annual meeting and received the ACSM Citation Award in 2019. His pioneering models of capillary function, oxygen uptake kinetics, and Critical Power have become essential in the field of exercise physiology.

A special thanks to our friend and collaborator, Dr. Daniel Hirai, Assistant Professor of the Department of Health and Kinesiology at Purdue, for organizing this visit and providing the wonderful opportunity to meet, talk, and take a memorable photo with Professor David Poole (Dr. Fernandes on the left, OJ in the middle, and Professor Poole on the right).