STEM Research

This is a recording from a seminar hosted by the Center for Early Learning, featuring Eylül Turan, Visiting Graduate Student from KU Leuven in Belgium.
Passcode: Np*2E^hV

Principal Investigator: Dr. Sara Schmitt
Co-Principal Investigators/Co-Investigators: Dr. David Purpura, Dr. Robert Duncan
Funder: National Science Foundation
Purpose: The objectives of this study are to 1) empirically evaluate the impacts of different types of block play on children’s mathematics in a low-income sample, and 2) evaluate the extent to which children’s mathematical language (spatial and quantitative), spatial skills, and executive function are mechanisms linking block play with children’s mathematical learning.

Principal Investigator: Dr. David Purpura
Co-Principal Investigators and Co-Investigator: Dr. Sara Schmitt (co-PI), Dr. Jessica Logan (co-PI), Dr. Jennifer Dobbs-Oates (Co-Investigator)
Funder: Institute of Education Sciences
Purpose: The primary aim of this project is to iteratively develop and evaluate a classroom-based math language intervention for preschool children that integrates picture books and guided play activities to support children’s math language and numeracy skills.

Principal Investigator: Dr. David Purpura
Co-Principal Investigators: Dr. Caroline Hornburg, Dr. Ellen Litkowski, Dr. Joyce Lin, Dr. Melody Kung, Dr. Giulia Borriello
Funder: National Science Foundation
Purpose: The primary aims of this NSF funded project are to 1) organize an interdisciplinary and international conference to discuss and improve the measurement of the home mathematics environment, and 2) write a Next Directions in the HME manuscript to disseminate these findings to the field.

Principal Investigator: Dr. Sarah Eason
Purpose: The primary aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a “parents-as-partners” collaborative approach to develop a resource to enhance how families incorporate math into everyday activities with young children. Findings will inform subsequent projects that use community-based research to empower parents and promote early math learning.

Principal Investigator: Dr. David Purpura
Co-Principal Investigators: Dr. Sara Schmitt, Dr. Caroline Hornburg, Dr. Sarah Powell, Dr. Bernadette Andres-Salgarino
Co-Investigators: Dr. Robert Duncan, Dr. Sarah Eason, Dr. Gigliana Melzi, Dr. Andrew Ribner, Dr. Eric Wilkey, Dr. Dana Miller-Cotto
Funder: NewSchools Venture Fund
Purpose: The primary aim of this project is to develop and evaluate a 3rd/4th grade mathematics curriculum overlay that supports children’s multi-step problem solving, executive functioning, and mathematics identity.

Co-Principal Investigator and Investigator: Dr. Sara Schmitt (co-PI), Dr. Jennifer Dobbs-Oates (Investigator)
Funder: Heising-Simons Foundation
Purpose: The primary aim of this project is to iteratively develop and evaluate a family-implemented math language intervention for preschool children who are monolingual English speakers or dual language learners (English/Spanish) that can be used to lay a foundation for children’s successful development of early math skills and for engaging parents in their children’s learning.

Principal Investigator: Dr. Sarah Eason
Purpose: The primary aim of this study is to examine how parents in rural regions engage in early learning activities with preschool-aged children and where they see opportunities to promote early math learning. This work will inform future intervention studies where supports tailored to families’ specific contexts will be designed to enhance family engagement in children’s math learning.

Principal Investigator: Dr. Sara Schmitt
Co-Principal Investigators/Co-Investigators: Dr. David Purpura, Dr. Robert Duncan
Funder: National Science Foundation
Purpose: The objectives of this study are to 1) empirically evaluate the impacts of different types of block play on children’s mathematics in a low-income sample, and 2) evaluate the extent to which children’s mathematical language (spatial and quantitative), spatial skills, and executive function are mechanisms linking block play with children’s mathematical learning.

Principal Investigator: Dr. David Purpura
Funder: National Science Foundation
Purpose: The primary goals of this study are 1) examine which aspects of math language (quantitative and spatial) affect the development of different aspects of mathematics (numeracy and geometry), 2) examine the unique and combined effects of quantitative math language and numeracy instruction on numeracy development, and 3) develop a series of children’s picture books that support early math language and mathematics development.