CEL Virtual Professional Development Conferences

The CEL has been proud to host an annual professional development conference each year since 2021. Having a virtual format has allowed more providers to attend the event from a convenient location. Expand each section below to find more information.

Dr. Carlomagno Panlilio, Associate Professor, Educational Psychology at The Pennsylvania State University, presented Trauma Informed Practices in Early Education (Video, PowerPoint)
Dr. Jorge Gonzalez. Professor, Department of Psychological Health & Learning Sciences at the University of Houston, presented Preparing Children for School (Video, PowerPoint)

Dr. Alissa Lange, Director of the Center of Excellence in STEM Education and Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education, and Director of the Early Childhood STEM Lab at East Tennessee State University, presented Strategies for Effectively Supporting STEM Learning in Preschool Classrooms
Dr. Sonia Cabell, Associate Professor, College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences at Florida State University, presented Laying a Foundation for Literacy Learning: Key Practices for Teachers of Young Children

Dr. Hope Gerde, Professor , Department of Teaching, Learning, & Culture at Texas A&M University, presented Creating Meaningful Writing Opportunities within Classroom Routines and Transitions
Dr. Michael Morrier, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at Emory University School of Medicine, presented Naturalistic Developmental Behavior Intervention: Embedding applied behavior analysis into everyday routines and activities for children on the autism spectrum

Dr. Sara Schmitt: Assistant Professor, Human Development and Family Science, Purdue University, presented Enhancing Social-Emotional Learning in the Early Childhood Classrooms
Dr. David Purpura: Professor, Human Development and Family Science, Purdue University, presented Teaching Math Through Picture Books