Spring 2023
- Dr. Brosseau-Lapré, Izzy Matamoros Santos, Sophia Hagedorn, Julia Suter, and Zoe Zhang all received notification that their ASHA proposals were accepted! They are all looking forward to attending and presenting in Boston, MA in November!
- Julia Suter (Vice President), Zoe Zhang (Recording Secretary), and Sophia Hagedorn (Co-Treasurer) were elected each a position as a part of Purdue’s NSSLHA Chapter’s 2023-2024 Executive Board! Congratulations to all!
- Dr. Brosseau-Lapré hosted an end of the semester lab party celebration at her home during quiet week to celebrate everything the team accomplished this semester.
- The Child Phonology Lab participated in Purdue’s NSSLHA Chapter undergraduate research lab fair on Thursday April 6th in the main lobby of Lyles Porter Hall to showcase what our lab does and to recruit undergraduate students.
- The Child Phonology Lab participated in Purdue’s campus-wide Spring Fest event this semester for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to all the lab members who volunteered to help us plan and facilitate the word wheel game and the letter bean bag toss game, to make it a successful day.
- Eight undergraduate research assistants from the lab presented three posters at the Purdue Spring Undergraduate Research Conference mentored by PhD student Itzel Matamoros Santos and Dr. Brosseau-Lapré.
Awards and Recognitions
Spring 2023
- Mackenzie Grelauch was awarded a Charles C. Chappelle Fellowship from Purdue for her graduate studies at Purdue’s MS-SLP program this fall!
- Zoe Zhang was nominated for and received the SLHS Oustanding Sophmore Award!
- Congratulations to our Spring 2023 graduating seniors, Mackenzie Grelauch, Sophie Minakata, Guilia Virga, and Mia Morrison! All four students graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences and they will be starting graduate school this fall at different great programs across the country.
- Julia Suter was recognized by the National NSSLHA Executive Council, who selected her as the member honors recipient of the 2023 National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA)’s Rising Leader of the Year for her leadership trajectory!