The Sleep and Developmental Studies Laboratory explores research questions specific to (1) sleep and development in pediatric samples, (2) associations between sleep and brain development/functioning, (3) developmental trajectories in families raising children with, or at elevated likelihood for an autism spectrum disorder, as well as research related to (4) sleep disturbances and treatment. Please see below a list of recent publications:
Selected Publications
- Lee, J., Schwichtenberg, A., Bliwise, D. et al. Simultaneous Recording of Objective Sleep in Mothers and School-aged Children with Developmental Disabilities: A Pilot Study of Actigraphy and Videosomnography. J Dev Phys Disabil 36, 63–85 (2024).
- Nieforth, L.O., Rodriguez, K.E., Zhuang, R. et al. The cortisol awakening response in a 3 month clinical trial of service dogs for veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Sci Rep 14, 1664 (2024).
- Oshima, H., West, M., Nair, V. V., Kish, B., Tong, Y., & Schwichtenberg, A. J. (2024). 0322 Achieving deep sleep in the magnetic resonance environment. SLEEP, 47(Supplement_1).
- Janis, A., Kellerman, A., & Schwichtenberg, A. J. (2023). 0183 Bedtime routine stability in the context of developmental risk. SLEEP, 46(Supplement_1).
- Nieforth, L. O., Leighton, S. C., Schwichtenberg, A. J., Wadsworth, S. M., & O’Haire, M. E. (2023). A preliminary analysis of psychiatric service dog placements and sleep patterns of partners of veterans with PTSD. Anthrozoös, 37(1), 125–136.
- Vijayakrishnan Nair, V., Kish, B., Chong, P., Yang, H., Wu, Y., Tong, Y., & Schwichtenberg, A. J. (2023). Neurofluid coupling during sleep and wake states. Sleep Medicine, 110, 44-53. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2023.07.021.
- Avelar, D., Dore, R. A., Schwichtenberg, A. J., Roben, C. K. P., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Golinkoff, R. M. (2022). Children and parents’ physiological arousal and emotions during shared and independent e-book Reading: A preliminary study. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 33, 100507.
- Bradshaw, J., Schwichtenberg, A. J., & Iverson, J. M. (2022). Capturing the complexity of autism: Applying a developmental cascades framework. Child development perspectives, 16(1), 18–26.
- Chong, P., Garic, D., Shen, M. D., Lundgaard, I., & Schwichtenberg, A. J. (2022). Sleep, Cerebrospinal Fluid, and the Glymphatic System: A Systematic Review. Sleep Medicine Reviews, doi:10.1016/j.smrv.2021.101572
- Kellerman, A. M., Hassan, M. Z., Abel, E. A., Reilly, M., McNally Keehn, R., & Schwichtenberg, A. J. (2022). Case report: Autism risk within the context of two chromosome 15 syndromes. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 53(1), 503–513.
- Kellerman, A. M., Masters, C., & Schwichtenberg, A. J. (2022). Are maternal self-reports of social difficulties apparent in interactions with their children? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
- Lee, J., Schwichtenberg, A. J., Bliwise, D. L., Ali, S. Z., Hayat, M., Clark, P., & Spratling, R. (2022). Sleep for mothers and their children with developmental disabilities: A actigraphy and videosomnography feasibility study. SSRN Electronic Journal.
- Pecukonis, M., Young, G. S., Brian, J., Charman, T., Chawarska, K., Elsabbagh, M., Iverson, J. M., Jeste, S., Landa, R., Messinger, D. S., Schwichtenberg, A. J., Webb, S. J., Zwaigenbaum, L., & Tager‐Flusberg, H. (2022). Early predictors of language skills at 3 years of age vary based on diagnostic outcome: A baby siblings research consortium study. Autism Research, 15(7), 1324–1335.
- Rabbani, M., Haque, M. M., Das Dipal, D., Zarif, M. I., Iqbal, A., Schwichtenberg, A., Bansal, N., Soron, T. R., Ahmed, S. I., & Ahamed, S. I. (2022). MPredA: A machine learning based prediction system to evaluate the autism level improvement. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 416–432.
- Rabbani, M., Haque, M. M., Dipal, D. D., Zarif, M. I., Iqbal, A., Schwichtenberg, A., Bansal, N., Soron, T. R., Ahmed, S. I., & Ahamed, S. I. (2022). A data-driven validation of mobile-based care (mcare) project for children with ASD in LMICs. Smart Health, 26, 100345.
- Rabbani, M., Haque, M. M., Das Dipal, D., Zarif, M. I., Iqbal, A., Akhter, S., Parveen, S., Rasel, M., Soron, T. R., Bansal, N., Schwichtenberg, A., Ahmed, S. I., & Ahamed, S. I. (2022). A mobile health application for monitoring children with autism spectrum disorder. AI Applications for Disease Diagnosis and Treatment, 40–65.
- Schwichtenberg, A. J., Janis, A., Lindsey, A., Desai, H., Sahu, A., Kellerman, A., Chong, P., Abel, E., & Yatcilla, J. (2022). Sleep in children with autism spectrum disorder: A narrative review and systematic update. Current Sleep Medicine Reports, 8(4), 51-61. doi:10.1007/s40675-022-00234-5
- Chong, P. L., Abel, E., Pao, R., McCormick, C. E., & Schwichtenberg, A. J. (2021). Sleep dysregulation and daytime electrodermal patterns in children with autism: A descriptive study. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 182(5), 335–347.
- Haque, M. M., Rabbani, M., Dipal, D. D., Zarif, M. I., Iqbal, A., Schwichtenberg, A., Bansal, N., Soron, T. R., Ahmed, S. I., & Ahamed, S. I. (2021). Informing developmental milestone achievement for children with autism: Machine learning approach. JMIR Medical Informatics, 9(6).
- Honaker, S., McQuillan, M., Mindell, J., Downs, S., Slaven, J., & Schwichtenberg, A. J. (2021). Screening for problematic sleep in diverse infants. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 46, 824-834.
- Nair, V. V., Kish, B. R., Inglis, B., Yang, H.-C. (Shawn), Wu, Y.-C., Zhou, X., Schwichtenberg, A. J., & Tong, Y. (2021). Human CSF Movement Influenced by Vascular Low Frequency Oscillations and Respiration.
- Nieforth, L. O., Schwichtenberg, A. J., & O’Haire, M. E. (2021). Animal-assisted interventions for autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review of the literature from 2016 to 2020. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 10(2), 255–280.
- Rabbani, M., Haque, M. M., Das Dipal, D., Zarif, M. I., Iqbal, A., Schwichtenberg, A., Bansal, N., Soron, T. R., Ahmed, S. I., & Ahamed, S. I. (2021). An mcare study on patterns of risk and resilience for children with ASD in Bangladesh. Scientific Reports, 11(1).
- Yang, H.-C. (Shawn), Inglis, B., Talavage, T. M., Nair, V. V., Yao, J. (Fiona), Fitzgerald, B., Schwichtenberg, A. J., & Tong, Y. (2021). Coupling between Cerebrovascular Oscillations and CSF Flow Fluctuation during Wakefulness: An Fmri Study.
- Hatch, B., Nordahl, C. W., Schwichtenberg, A. J., Ozonoff, S., & Miller, M. (2020). Factor structure of the Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire in young children with and without autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 51(9), 3126–3137.
- Honaker, S. M., Mindell, J. A., Slaven, J. E., & Schwichtenberg, A. J. (2020). Implementation of infant behavioral sleep intervention in a diverse sample of mothers. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 19(4), 547–561.
- Kellerman, A. M., Schwichtenberg, A. J., Abu‐Zhaya, R., Miller, M., Young, G. S., & Ozonoff, S. (2020). Dyadic synchrony and responsiveness in the first year: Associations with autism risk. Autism Research, 13(12), 2190–2201.
- Gangi, D. N., Boterberg, S., Schwichtenberg, A. J., Solis, E., Young, G. S., Iosif, A., & Ozonoff, S. (2020). Declining gaze to faces in infants developing autism spectrum disorder: Evidence from two independent cohorts. Child Development, 92(3).