HHS Information Technology
Faculty and Staff
The College of Health and Human Sciences Information Technology department (HHS IT) is proud to collaborate with ITaP and other distributed campus IT organizations. HHS IT staff provide support to faculty, staff, and graduate students in departments and units throughout the college.
How Do I Contact HHS IT?
Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5PM (excludes university holidays)
HHS Help Desk hhshelp@purdue.edu
Main Number: (765) 496-2896
HHS IT Emergency Service Support
Support outside of business hours is subject to the availability of our support technicians and should not be expected or guaranteed.
The customer should email hhshelp@purdue.edu with their request and CC their designated support technician.
If the issue is in regards to a centrally managed Purdue University ITaP service (e.g. Exchange email, Career account, network issues, Career storage space), the customer should contact the central ITaP service desk at 44000 or itap@purdue.edu.
Onboarding Guide
Account Setup
As a new College of Health & Human Sciences employee, you will contact your IT representative and receive instructions and a temporary password to be used for setting up your Purdue career account. This will occur after your Business Office has submitted your employment paperwork to HR. The account setup page that you will proceed to can be found here.
Further documentation about the account setup process, a full walk-through, and common troubleshooting suggestions are available from ITaP:
Multi-Factor Authentication
Purdue University has several Multi-Factor solutions to protect users’ accounts from being compromised.
BoilerKey is Purdue’s version of two-factor authentication; it improves the security of protected computer systems and personal data. At Purdue, these two forms of verification are something you know — career account and PIN — and something you have — the Duo Mobile application on your smartphone or a hardware token. These two items are used in place of your password wherever you see the BoilerKey logo and on the virtual private network (WebVPN). For More information on BoilerKey, please use this site.
Microsoft Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for faculty, staff, and students on the West Lafayette campus helps protect users’ personal information. Microsoft MFA protects users by requiring a second form of authentication, in addition to a password, when signing into Office 365 applications (including Outlook email). Options include using text messages, an audio phone call, or the Microsoft Authenticator App to authenticate.
More information can be found here: itap.purdue.edu/mfa
Purdue uses Microsoft Office365 for email services. During the account setup process you will be given the option to activate your email address, or leave your mailbox disabled. Once your mailbox has been created, you can access your email through the web portal at outlook.office365.com, and you will login with your full Purdue email address (username@purdue.edu) and password.
Device configuration instructions for various email clients and mobile operating systems can be found here.
Wireless Internet
Purdue has several broadcast wireless networks: PAL3.0, eduroam, and attwifi.
- PAL3.0 is the most common network found on campus. You can connect to it with your Purdue username and password. Further device specific information, settings, and troubleshooting steps can be found here. Instructions for gaining limited network access and access to this wizard are available here.
- Eduroam is a network broadcast at many research and education institutions, including Purdue. It allows students, researchers, and staff from participating institutions to easily obtain internet access across campus and when visiting other participating institutions. You can connect to it using your full Purdue email address and password. Further information and device specific instructions are available here.
- Attwifi is a free network broadcast on campus for temporary guests. You can connect to it without any username or password. After connecting, you must open a web browser and accept the terms of use before you will have full internet access. This is not a secure network.
Purdue gives user a wide range of storage options. There are several network share drives that users are encouraged to use:
- S Drive: College-wide storage (For sharing with colleagues across the College)
- T Drive: Department-wide storage (For sharing with colleagues across your department)
- W Drive: Your personal Storage Device (Not Shared)
You can also use Microsoft OneDrive for Business that syncs to the web and other devices that you log into: https://portal.office.com
For restricted or HIPAA data you will need to reach out to RCAC and purchase a REED Folder.
HHS IT maintains the networked print management for Purdue University-owned printers and copiers within HHS. This includes shared print queue creation and management. The printers are listed by building abbreviation, room number and then type. You may not have access rights to print to all printers. If you feel that you need access rights, please contact HHS IT.
Purdue University offers several popular software packages to individuals, departments, and colleges. Availability restrictions, versions offered, distribution means, and cost of software result from the agreement details between Purdue University and the specific software vendor. Software Downloads can be found at CommunityHub.
There is also other software that is managed by HHS, that can be found in Software Center on supported Microsoft Windows Computers, or Self Service on Support Apple Devices.
ITaP manages a Virtual Private Network, which allows users who are off campus to connect to Purdue resources as if they were on campus. The client install can be found here.
Additional documentation and troubleshooting steps can be found here.
General Information and Policies
- University-wide Information Technology policies
- To request IT assistance: Email hhshelp@purdue.edu or call 496-2896
Service Catalog
The purpose of the HHS IT Self Service Catalog is to provide a detailed explanation of the IT services and resources offered by the HHS IT Service Desk and ITaP. Each service has a description, who can use the service, and an online request form or whom to contact for help with that particular service.
View CatalogService Level Guidelines
Below represents the service level guidelines between HHS IT and The College of Health and Human Sciences (HHS) for the provisioning of IT services required to support and sustain teaching, learning, and research outcomes.
Goals and Objectives
HHS IT’s Mission: Build and sustain a highly efficient and effective core information technology infrastructure in support of the College of HHS strategic plan.
The purpose of this page is to ensure that the proper elements and commitments are in place to provide consistent IT service support and delivery to the College of HHS by HHS IT and other Purdue University IT service providers.
The goal of these guidelines is to obtain mutual understanding for IT service provision between HHS IT and the College of HHS.
The objectives of this page are to:
- Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and/or responsibilities.
- Present a clear, concise, and measurable description of service provision to the customer.
- Match perceptions of expected service provision with actual service support & delivery.
HHS IT Service Resolution Time Frames
HHS IT will make best effort to service related incidents and/or requests submitted by the Customer within the following time frames:
- Initial Contact = contact with the user regarding the problem to discuss the issue, troubleshooting possibilities, and repairs
- Working = customer is back up and working as usual, but this may be on a loaner computer if the original machine is broken beyond a simple fix
- Critical – work stopped
- Initial Contact: <2 business hours | Working: <4 business hours
- Examples:
- Computer will not turn on
- Cannot connect to Internet
- Cannot get to network storage locations
- Keyboard or mouse is not working
- Important – work highly impaired
- Initial Contact: <4 business hours | Working: <8 business hours
- Examples:
- Specific application needed for your job is not functioning
- Update needed for business critical application
- Email issues
- Request – work is not impaired but needs assistance
- Initial Contact: <8 business hours | Working: <48 business hours
- Examples:
- Non-critical Software install request
- Purchasing assistance
- Permissions change
- New file storage folder creation
*If the cause of the incident is beyond the supported scope of HHS IT these timelines will not be valid and will fall under the Service Level Guidelines of the service provider (e.g. ITaP, hardware vendor, software vendor)
*During high volume time period typically between August 15th to September 15th and the second to third weeks of January, please allow for extra time.
*Items not purchased through Strategic Sourcing will increase guidelines by a factor of two.
HHS IT Service Level Guidelines
Service Scope
HHS IT will only support Purdue owned equipment, HHS IT services outlined in the Service Catalog, and facilitate support regarding ITaP managed services.
Customer Requirements
Customer responsibilities and/or requirements in support of these guidelines include:
- Adherence to all Purdue University policies, processes and procedures.
- Information Technology Policies – University Policy Office – Purdue University
HHS IT Purchasing
IT Purchases
- All IT related purchases must be approved by HHS IT.
- For new computer purchases, please fill out this online form.
- Please send all other IT purchase requests to hhshelp@purdue.edu with the following info:
- Requirements
- Budget
- Account information (if known)
- All IT procurement is to be done through Purdue approved vendors:
- SMARTcomputing (desktops, laptops)
- GovConnection (laptops, hardware, accessories)
- Printers (Cannon IV, SMARTprinting)
- All computer hardware purchases must be purchased with a warranty.
- All requests for IT assistance should be sent to hhshelp@purdue.edu
- If you would like, you can CC your designated support technician
- If your computer cannot function please call your designated HHS departmental IT technician or the main help desk at 49-62896
- All work related data should be stored in your personal network storage drive U: or research collaboration storage folder (e.g. S:, T: drives).
- Users are required to leave their computer turned on at all times. At the end of the day you need to lock your computer (Ctrl + Alt + Del then Lock) or Log off.
- Change your password by pressing CTRL + ALT + DELETE and then click “Change a password”. After changing your password you should reboot your computer and wait 10 minutes to log back in. If you have a mobile device connected to email, please change the password on that device after you have rebooted your computer.
- Only Purdue owned equipment should be connected to the wired network.
Service Provider Requirements
Service Provider responsibilities and/or requirements in support of these guidelines include:
- Meeting response times associated with service related incidents agreed to in this document.
- Generating quarterly reports on service requests to be delivered to HHS IT Director.
- Training required staff on appropriate service support tools.
- Appropriate notification to Customer for all scheduled maintenance through Change Management process.
- Facilitation of all service support activities involving incident, problem, change, release and configuration management.
Change Management
Changes to any service in the HHS IT Service Catalog will be guided through our Change Management process.
Change Management Process
- Request For Change (RFC) is submitted to hhshelp@purdue.edu using the RFC template. The template includes information regarding:
- Who raised the change
- Why is the change needed
- Benefits
- Risks
- Resources
- Responsibility for the change
- Urgency
- Change Schedule
- Remediation
- And so on…
- RFC is sent off to the Change Advisory Board (CAB) for review
- RFC is accepted by CAB
- Change is built and tested
- Change is deemed production ready
- CAB approves the deployment
- Change is communicated to affected users
- Change is deployed
- Change is reviewed and closed
Members of HHS Change Advisory Board (CAB)
- Anita Tuttle
- Chris Bentley
- Andy Beal
- Tony Klassen
Maintenance Windows
HHS IT will observe a maintenance window for software updates to servers and computers.
Server Updates
- These will occur on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 10pm-2am. During this time all networks services will not be available. This includes file storage, network printing, Internet, etc.
Desktop/Laptop – Windows Updates
- Each Sunday from 12am – 4am Windows updates will be pushed out along with all required updates. All computers will reboot after they have received the updates. Please save your data at the end of each day.
Periodic Review
The Business Relationship Manager (“Document Owner”) is responsible for facilitating regular reviews of this page. Contents of this page may be amended as required, provided mutual agreement is obtained from the Change Advisory Board and communicated to all affected parties. The Document Owner will incorporate all subsequent revisions and obtain mutual agreements / approvals as required.
Business Relationship Manager: Chris Bentley – HHS IT Service Manager
Review Period: Annually
Working Remotely
Download InstructionsVideo Conferencing
Download GuideHHS IT Staff
HHS IT Administration Team
Senior Manager – Distributed Computing – HHS/Pharmacy
Joe Levell

System Administrator
Andy Beal

System Administrator
Tony Klassen
HHS IT Support Staff

Academic IT Specialist/ Mac Administrator
STON, Rm 220
Richard Roy

Academic IT Specialist
LYLE, Rm 3049
Milton Moy

Academic IT Specialist
HAMP, Rm 2215E
Michael Phillips

Academic IT Specialist
NCNC Clinics
John Stephens

Academic IT Specialist
Colton Dreher
HHS IT Service Staff
Site Specialist
Even Snethen
Site Specialist
Jordan Miller