Andrew Eleff headshot photo

Pronouns: he/him

Hometown: South Bend, IN

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Andrew Eleff

HHS Student Ambassador

HHS Major




Career Goal

Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

Something Cool/Unique About Me

I love board games, national parks, and all things Purdue sports!

Advice For Students

Don’t be afraid to jump headfirst into something you’ve never done before! Some of my best experiences and moments in college so far have happened because I stepped outside my comfort zone. Live every day to the fullest, give 100%, and dive right in!

List of Clubs and Organizations

  • Phi Delta Theta
  • Purdue Student Nurses Association
  • Boiler Gold Rush
  • PSON Student Ambassadors
  • Nursing Peer Mentors
  • HHS Student Ambassadors
  • Ski Club
  • IMs