Caleigh Doffin headshot photo

Pronouns: she/her

Hometown: Schererville, IN

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Caleigh Doffin

HHS Student Ambassador

HHS Major

Medical Laboratory Sciences


Biological Sciences

Career Goal

work in a hospital lab

Something Cool/Unique About Me

I pitched a perfect game in softball and won a state championship in volleyball my senior year of high school. I can also pogo stick with no hands while shooting a basketball.

Advice For Students

Stay engaged in classes (taking notes, asking questions, etc) and go to office hours and study sessions for help. Even when you don’t think you need any help it’s still very beneficial to get extra practice. It’s hard to catch up when you’re falling behind and office hours help combat that.

List of Clubs and Organizations

  • ALDPES Honor Society
  • Boiler Gold Rush
  • Lambda Tau