Douglas Samuel headshot photo

Phone: 765-494-7559


703 Third St.
Department of Psychological Sciences
West Lafayette, IN 47907

Curriculum Vitae Selected Publications Back to Directory

Douglas Samuel

Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences

Areas of Expertise

  • Diagnosis and Assessment of Mental Disorders

Department of Psychological Sciences Research Area(s)

  • Clinical Psychological Sciences


Dr. Samuel’s program of research spans basic personality science and psychopathology by utilizing dimensional models to improve the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. His research shows that personality disorder (PD) can be better understood as maladaptive collections of the same traits that describe normal personality functioning (i.e., the Five-Factor Model). One line of Dr. Samuel’s research program has explored the translation and dissemination of these dimensional models into treatment settings. An additional line of research focuses on rural mental health and specifically on suicide risk factors among farmers and farm families. His work employs a variety of statistical approaches and varied methodologies that emphasize the unique information provided by sources (e.g., clinicians, peers, interviews, experience sampling, psychophysiology). He has expertise in the measurement of psychological phenomenon, which is demonstrated by his role as past Editor-in-Chief of the journal Assessment.


  • Ph.D. in Psychology, 2009, University of Kentucky


Social Media Accounts

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

  • Clinical Area DEI Committee

Current Courses

  • PSY 667 - Clinical (Personality) Assessment

Selected Honors/Awards

  • Mid-Career Investigator Award; North American Society for the Study of Personality Disorders - 2023
  • Martin Mayman Award; Journal of Personality Assessment - 2019
  • James C. Naylor Award for Teaching Excellence; Department of Psychological Sciences - 2018
  • Gunderson Young Investigator Award; Association for Research on Personality Disorders - 2011