John Robbins headshot photo

Pronouns: He/him

Hometown: Munster, Indiana

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John Robbins

HHS Student Ambassador

HHS Major

Brain and Behavioral Sciences

Additional Major

Biomedical Health Sciences


Biological Sciences


Career Goal

Neurologist & Neurodegenerative Disease Researcher

Something Cool/Unique About Me

I am a triplet! My other siblings, Hannah and Scott, both attend IUPUI.

Advice For Students

The one thing that will always be a factor in your future success is your character. Always help others on this campus and go beyond your comfort zone both academically and socially. One thing many people don’t understand is being wrong is actually your greatest strength to finding the solution.

List of Clubs and Organizations

  • Caduceus Club
  • ALDPES (Alpha Lambda Delta + Phi Eta Sigma) Honor Societies
  • National Society of Collegiate Scholars
  • Psi Chi National Honors Society
  • Honors College student
  • HHS Mentors Program
  • Honors Mentors Program
  • Chubykin laboratory
  • Jaiswal laborat