Pronouns: she/her
Phone: 765-494-9410
225 Hanley Hall
1202 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
Kristine Marceau
Associate Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Science
Courtesy Appointments
Department of Psychological Sciences
Areas of Expertise
- Research expertise: Gene-environment interplay, prenatal experiences, physiological responses to stress, hormone-behavior associations, pubertal development, parenting and parent-child relationships, developmental psychopathology, substance use
- Statistical expertise: Multilevel modeling, longitudinal data analysis, structural equation modeling, polygenic scores, quantitative genetic analyses (biometric modeling)
- Methodological expertise: sibling discordant designs, twin and family designs, adopted-at-birth designs, longitudinal designs
HHS Signature Research Area(s)
- Developmental Health and Wellness
- Healthy Lifestyles and Vital Longevity
Department of Human Development and Family Science Research Area(s)
- Health and Well-Being
- Interpersonal Relations
I have had a long-standing interest in understanding how biological and environmental processes work together over time in the service of identifying which types of problems children and adolescents are likely to exhibit, and which youth will develop persistent problems. My research tackles questions about the development of behavior problems and substance use across the lifespan by incorporating the integrated roles of genetics, prenatal risk, neuroendocrine development, and the family environment across childhood and adolescence. My research has a strong focus on biological underpinnings (e.g., genetics, hormones) of neurodevelopmental behavior and problems, and a strong methodological focus, including multiple models of change and developmental trajectories, and methodological considerations for repeated measures, genetic, and prenatal data.
Not Considering graduate student applications for the December 1, 2024 deadline.
- PhD, 2013, The Pennsylvania State University
- MS, 2011, The Pennsylvania State University
- BA, 2006, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Social Media Accounts
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Faculty Mentor, Horizons Student Support Services
- Faculty Mentor: Research Excellence, Access, & Learning (REAL) Scholars Program
- Faculty Mentor, Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation
- Trainings: Trans Inclusion Training; Eliminating Bias in Peer Review; Search committee-related: ADVANCE-Purdue and HHS Faculty Search, Screening, and Hiring
- Member, HHS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Science Consortium
- University Faculty Scholar - 2024-2029
Current Courses
- HDFS 627 - Multilevel Modeling in Developmental and Family Research
- HDFS 613 - QUANTITATIVE METHODS I: Inferential Statistics and ANOVA
Selected Honors/Awards
- Fuller and Scott Early Career Award, Behavior Genetics Association - 2021
- Early Career Impact Award, Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences (FABBS), for the Behavior Genetics Association - 2021
- Corps of Engagement Award for Families Tackling Tough Times Together program, Steering Committee member, Purdue University - 2021
- Lorene Burkhart Award for Excellence in Research about Families at Purdue University - 2020
- APS Rising Star, Association for Psychological Science - 2016
Selected Grants
- Principal Investigator, Improving causal inference for national adolescent substance use datasets (R21 DA059778). 06/15/24 – 05/31/26. Total: $431,750
- Principal Investigator, Supporting family resilience in the aftermath of disaster (USDA/NIFA). 09/01/24 – 08/31/26. Total: $238,575
- Co-Investigator, An Adoption Study of the Development of Early Substance Use: The Joint Roles of Genetic Influences, Prenatal Risk, Rearing Environment, and Pubertal Maturation. National Institute on Drug Abuse (R01 DA045108). Jenae M. Neiderhiser (P1). Period: 04/01/18-01/31/23. Total: $3,732,640.
- Principal Investigator, Bio-behavioral Developmental Origins of Adolescent Substance Abuse. National Institute on Drug Abuse (K01 DA039288). Period: 03/01/2016-02/28/22. Total: $876,122.
- Primary Mentor, The Role of Substance Use Trajectory on the Association Between Childhood Maltreatment and Intimate Partner Violence: A Gene-environment Study. National Institute on Drug Abuse (R36 DA047563). Aura A. Mishra (PI). Period: 07/15/19-08/31/20. Total: $45,622.
- Co-Sponsor, A Life Course Perspective on Social Connectedness and Adult Health. National Institute on Aging (F31 AG072824). Elizabeth Teas (PI). Period: 05/21/21-05/20/23. Total: $46,036.
- Co-Sponsor, Effectiveness of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training for Improving Communication in ALS. National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (F31 DC019281). Brianna R. Kiefer (PI). Period: 01/01/21-12/31/22.
Professional Affiliations
- Co-Director, the Methodology Center at Purdue
- Associate Editor, Developmental Psychology
- Associate Editor, Child Development
- Member, Publications Committee, Society for Research on Child Development
- Ad Hoc Grant Reviewer: NIH CSR Study Sections: BGES, ARM, Epidemiology Fellowships, Music and Health, NMBH; NSF; United Kingdom Research Institute – Medical Research Council
In the News
- Surviving puberty: Researcher Looks Broadly at Early Life Experiences and Genetics to Help Identify Children Who May Benefit from Clinical Interventions as They Approach Adolescence
- The importance of puberty: A call for better research models
- The science of puberty, understanding a critical period of biological and social development
- Early Puberty – A Risk for Substance Abuse among Boys
- Study: Poor Sleep Unlikely To Cause Obesity In Children