Pronouns: he/him
Email: mattes@purdue.edu
Phone: 765-494-0662
212 Stone hall
Richard Mattes
Distinguished Professor, Department of Nutrition Science, Department of Public Health
Director, Ingestive Behavior Research Center
Joint Appointment
Public Health
Courtesy Appointments
Department of Food Science, College of Pharmacy
Areas of Expertise
- taste, appetite, food intake, energy balance, cephalic phase responses
HHS Signature Research Area(s)
- Healthy Lifestyles and Vital Longevity
Department of Nutrition Science Research Area(s)
- Metabolism and Obesity
- Food, Ingestive Behavior and Population Nutrition
Dr. Mattes is a Distinguished Professor of Nutrition Science at Purdue University, Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine and Affiliated Scientist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center. His research focuses on the areas of taste function, hunger and satiety, food preferences, regulation of food intake in humans and human cephalic phase responses. At Purdue, Dr. Mattes is the Head of the Ingestive Behavior Research Center. Outside of Purdue he was a member of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee; is a past-president of the American Society of Nutrition and Secretary of the Rose Marie Pangborn Sensory Science Scholarship Fund. He has authored over 300 publications. Dr. Mattes earned an undergraduate degree in biology and a Masters degree in Public Health from the University of Michigan as well as a doctorate degree in Human Nutrition from Cornell University. He conducted post-doctoral studies at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and the Monell Chemical Senses Center.
- MPH, PhD, RD
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Purdue University
Current Courses
- NUTR 640 - Human Feeding
- NUTR 534 - Human Sensory Systems and Food Evaluation
- NUTR 590 - A Journey Through the Gastrointestinal Tract
Selected Publications
- Valicente VM, Peng CH, Pacheco KN, Lin L, Kielb EI, Dawoodani E, Abdollahi A, Mattes RD. Ultra-Processed Foods and Obesity Risk: A Critical Review of Reported Mechanisms. Advances in Nutrition. 2023 Apr 18.
- Cheon E, Mattes RD. Perceptual Quality of Non-Esterified Fatty Acids Varies with Fatty Acid Chain Length. Chem Senses 2021, bjab023, https://doi.org/10.1093/chemse/bjab023.
- Mattes RD. Taste, teleology and macronutrient intake. Curr Opin Physiol 2021;19:162-167.
- Higgins KA, Mattes RD. A randomized controlled trial contrasting the effects of 4 low-calorie sweeteners and sucrose on body weight in adults with overweight or obesity. Am J Clin Nutr 2019;109:1288-1301.
- Mattes RD. Snacking: A cause for concern. Physiol & Nutr 2018;193:279-283.
- Dhillon J, Lee JX, Mattes RD. The Cephalic Phase Insulin Response to Nutritive and Low-Calorie Sweeteners in Solid and Beverage Form. Physiology & Behavior 2017;181:100-109.
Selected Honors/Awards
- David Kritchevsky Career Achievement Award - 2023
- Fellow of the American Society for Nutrition - 2023
- Volunteer of the Year - American Society of Nutrition Foundation - 2022
- W.O. Atwater Award - American Society of Nutrition, US Department of Agriculture - 2020
- Award for Excellence in Research, International Nut and Dried Fruit Council - 2017
- Babcock-Hart Award, International Life Sciences Institute North America and Institute of Food Technologists - 2013
- Elaine R. Monsen Award for Outstanding Research Literature - 2008
Selected Grants
- Interdisciplinary Training in Signals Controlling Ingestion and Obesity. Mattes (PI). NIDCD (T32 DK076540)
- Conference on the Pace of Life and Feeding: health Implications. Mattes (PI) NIFA
- Effects of Almonds on Glycemia. Almond Board of California. Mattes (PI)
- Effects of a Novel Fiber System on Appetite, Food Intake and Energy Balance. Mattes (PI). Gelesis
- Pre-Ingestive Influences on Solidand Fluid FoodIntake in Lean and Obese Adults. Mattes (PI). NIDDK