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Pronouns: she/her/hers


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Shabeba Islam

Graduate Student

Department of Psychological Sciences

Graduate Degree



  • M.A. (Psychology), 2021, New York University
  • B.A. (Psychology), 2020, New York University

Graduate Major or Research Training Area

Clinical Psychology

Graduate Advisor

David Rollock

Selected Publications

  • Balcetis, E., Cox, B., Marson, J., Islam, S., et al. (2020). “Growing Leaders: Testing Learning Modules that Foster Belongingness and Growth Mindsets about Leadership among Adolescents,” Journal of Educational & Psychological Research, Vol. 2(2), 10.
  • Islam, S., & Balcetis, E. (2020). “Fighting Back Against Harassment,” Psychology Today.
  • Islam, S., & Balcetis, E. (2019). “Seeing the Thin Blue Line Across the Political Divide: How Ideology Impacts Perceptions of Police and their Punishment,” Advances in Psychology Research, Vol. 136, Chapter 5. Nova Science Publishers.