Susie Loughner
Business Assistant - SLHS
Business Office
- M.Ed National-Louis University, Evanston, IL, Leadership and Advocacy program
- BA elementary education, Adrian College, Adrian, MI
- ACE 41 - Accomplished Clerical Excellence program grad May 2021
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Critical Conversations: Cultural Intelligence for Developing Across Differences
- Critical Conversations: Who Really Needs Safe Spaces Anyway? How to Foster Diverse/Inclusive Spaces
- Speaking Up Workshop--Bystander/DIB/EI applications by Power Play Interactive/Incluxion Works
- HHS DEI Intercultural Communications Workshop
- LGBTQ Center - Safe Zone Training. I have attended training/presentations on Ageism, Intercultural Communication, Gender Identity and Microagressions, Implicit Bias and Structural Inequity.
Selected Honors/Awards
- 4 BRAVO awards in 4 years/Purdue HR -
- ACE 41--Accomplished Clerical Excellence program - Spring 2021
Professional Affiliations
- I am on the Board of Wesley Foundation, a student ministry by, for, and with the students of Purdue and surrounding schools. Wesley promotes inclusion, understanding of your global neighbors, personal guidance from God, fellowship and service. Home of Midnight Pancakes and Winterization!