The HHS School of Nursing offers the following centers and clinics for the Purdue community as well as the local community.

Appointments are required for all examinations, consultations and laboratory tests. There are fees for some services, and prices are subject to change. Payment is due at time of services (cash or check made out to Purdue University). We do not file insurance or accept Medicare or Medicaid.

Commitment to Diversity

We strive to create a safe, inclusive and affirming environment for all clients and staff. We hold a deliberately broad conceptualization of multiculturalism and diversity, with an effort to honor all the identities a person may hold, including racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious and spiritual beliefs, immigration and acculturation status, ability status, socioeconomic status and more. Multicultural care is a cornerstone of our practice and of the clinicians’ training. All clinicians complete a separate course in multicultural education and diversity topics, and many of them are also actively engaged in Purdue’s Clinical Psychology Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee as well as other committees and research projects focused on anti-racism, inclusive practices and prejudice reduction.

Our Clinics

The HHS School of Nursing offers the following centers and clinics for the Purdue community as well as the local community.

The Nursing Center for Family Health (NCFH)’s mission is to highlight nursing practice through meaningful, innovative educational opportunities and health services to faculty, students, and the greater community.

Some of these services are:


This visit includes a check of your height, weight, BMI, blood pressure, heart rate, and finger-stick cholesterol and blood glucose (blood sugar) numbers, as well as a general health and lifestyle review. Eight-hour fasting is recommended for accurate testing results. This is available by appointment only. Each screening appointment costs $40.00, payable by cash or check.


Preventive health physicals are available to eligible students in collaboration with Purdue’s School of Nursing and the Purdue University Student Health Center (PUSH). The NCFH has a contract with PUSH for the United Healthcare Student Health Plan and bills that insurance. All other insurance carriers are billed separately, and fees may apply.

These preventive health physicals are available to Purdue University students and their spouses by appointment only. You may schedule through the PUSH Patient Portal (students only). Spouses must call 765-494-1700 to schedule.


The NCFH supports and plans various community-based events throughout the year including pediatric wellness and safety education, flu shot clinics, public health education, and more.

Please contact the NCFH at (765) 496-0308 with questions about any of our events, activities, or for inquiries on collaboration.

Notice of Privacy Practices

NOTE: The Nursing Center for Family Health does NOT provide urgent or emergency care, such as treatment for acute illness, broken bones, chest pain, bleeding, premature labor, or trauma. For emergencies, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

North Central Nursing Clinics

The Family Health Clinic, a Federally Qualified Health Center, provides top-quality accessible and affordable primary healthcare in an environment that supports the education of future healthcare professionals. The clinic offers training opportunities to more than 30 Purdue nursing students throughout the year as well as College of Pharmacy fellows and interns at its four locations in Burlington, Delphi, Monon and Wolcott.

Learn More