Students who successfully complete the radiological health pre-medical physics program or applied physics with a specialization in medical physics are eligible to apply to the School of Health Science’s accelerated one-year master’s program. This program is for academically outstanding students who excelled in the radiological health pre-medical physics program and are looking for a fast track to their master’s degree.
For additional information on this program, please contact Ulrike Dydak.
RADH+MP Plan of Study RADH+HP Plan of StudyProgram Quick Facts
Degree Type:
Master’s, Doctoral
Program Length:
Master’s: 1 year
West Lafayette, IN
School of Health Sciences
As part of the accelerated master’s program, students are integrated into faculty laboratories and clinical facilities with the opportunity to work on a variety of research projects, including image-guided and biology-based therapy; diagnostic imaging of cancer, neurological function and disease; and new uses of particle beams in detection and treatment.

Research Opportunities
- MRI and MRS in Diagnosis of Neurotoxicity and Radiation Response
- Neutron and X-ray Technologies for Human Body Composition, Disease Diagnose and Radiotherapy
- Imaging and Tracer Development in PET and SPECT
- Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Imaging (CT, PCT) and Thermoacoustic in Image Guided Therapy
- IMRT and Normal Tissue Response to Radiation Therapy
Research Areas
- Health Physics (Radiation Protection)
- Imaging Sciences
- Medical Physics
- Occupational and Environmental Health Sciences (Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomics)
- Toxicology
Research Facilities
- Life Science MRI facility
- The Birck Nanotechnology Center
- The Bindley Bioscience Center
- The Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering
- Purdue’s Center for the Environment

Ulrike Dydak | Program Director
For questions regarding this program, please contact or our graduate coordinator, Karen Walker, at