Amanda Wright Swanger headshot photo

Pronouns: she/her

Phone: 765-494-4652


Stone Hall, Room 152B
700 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
West Lafayette, IN 47907

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Amanda Wright Swanger

Lead Multimedia Designer



  • Bachelor of Arts in Computer Graphics Technology, 2010, Purdue University
  • Associate in Arts and Sciences, 2004, Danville Area Community College

Selected Honors/Awards

  • Silver Addy Award: College of Health and Human Sciences Website, American Advertising ADDY Awards - Spring 2023
  • Mosaic Award: HHS International Students Recruitment Brochure, American Advertising ADDY Awards - Spring 2019
  • Silver Addy Award: HHS International Student Recruitment Webpage, American Advertising ADDY Awards - Spring 2019
  • Silver Addy Award: HHS International Students Recruitment Brochure, American Advertising ADDY Awards - Spring 2019
  • Bravo Award, College of Health and Human Sciences, Purdue University - Fall 2014