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Pronouns: she/her


Psychological Sciences, Room 3170
703 Third Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907

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Anne Sereno

Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences

Adjunct Clinical Professor, IU School of Medicine

Joint Appointment

Professor of Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University

Areas of Expertise

  • The long range objective of my research is to understand and characterize the physiological mechanisms of attention, short-term memory, and the programming of eye movements, in order to help in the diagnosis, treatment, and etiology of various diseases and disorders involving the disruption of these functions.

Department of Psychological Sciences Research Area(s)

  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Mathematical and Computational Psychology
  • Neuroscience and Behavior


Areas of Research

Understand and characterize the physiological mechanisms of attention, short-term memory, motion and the programming of eye movements, in order to help in the diagnosis, treatment, and etiology of various diseases and disorders involving the disruption of these functions.


With research spanning expertise over a wide range of disciplines such as neuroscience, psychology, biomedical engineering, computer modelling and bio-statistics the Sereno Lab, lead by Dr. Anne Sereno, is conducting cutting edge research in trying to understand and characterize deficits in cognitive, executive and motor function as well as understand the neuroscience of behavior.


  • PhD, 1991, Harvard


Current Courses

  • PSY 32400 - Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience

Professional Affiliations

  • Founder and Manager, CogNeuro Solutions LLC
  • Associate Editor, Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience