Pronouns: she/her
Email: earichar@purdue.edu
Phone: 765-494-1392
Johnson Hall 247C
502 N. University Street
Elizabeth (Libby) Richards
Professor, School of Nursing
Director, PhD in Nursing
Teaching Academy Fellow
Fellow, Academy of Nursing Education
Areas of Expertise
- health behavior change
- examination of individual and interpersonal influences of physical activity behavior
- community-based interventions
HHS Signature Research Area(s)
- Healthy Lifestyles and Vital Longevity
- Sustainable Organizations and Thriving Communities
School of Nursing Research Area(s)
- Care of the Older Adult
- Health Promotion and Population Health
Dr. Richards’ is a professor and director of the PhD in Nursing program at Purdue University’s School of Nursing. Her research explores individual and interpersonal influences of physical activity, highlighting the importance of social support in health behavior change. She has conducted health promotion interventions that positively impact community health by improving physical activity across populations. Her research has been funded through the National Institutes of Health, Purdue’s Center for Families, Cooperative Extension, and the American Nurses Foundation.
As a public health nurse, Dr. Richards widely disseminates health education about the importance of vaccinations, flu prevention, and physical activity promotion. She has reached audiences through media outlets sources such as CNN, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, AARP, Readers’ Digest, the Washington Post, and The Chicago Tribune. Her online presence has wide public reach with articles regarding the importance of vaccination and physical activity promotion in The Conversation surpassing two million readers.
In addition, she currently serves in several leadership positions in the field of nursing and public health, including past chair of the Physical Activity Section of the American Public Health Association, current chair of the Ageing research interest group of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, and serving on the leadership team of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Research Leaders Network.
- PhD, 2012, Purdue University
- MSN, 2006, Indiana University
- BSN, 2003, University of Saint Francis
- Center for Research on Brain, Behavior, and NeuroRehabilitation
- Center for Families
- Center for Aging and the Life Course
Social Media Accounts
Current Courses
- NUR 222 - Population Health
- NUR 69020 - PhD Leadership Seminar
- NUR 69030 - PhD Communication Seminar
- NUR 604 - PhD Seminar
Selected Honors/Awards
- Fellow, American Academy of Nursing - 2024
- Fellow, National League for Nursing Academy of Nursing Education - 2023
- Indiana Nurse Educator of the Year, Indiana Nurses Foundation - 2023
- Excellence in Nursing Research Award, Delta Omicron - 2022
- Teaching Excellence Award, Indiana League for Nursing - 2021
- Murphy Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, Purdue University - 2020
- Exceptional Engagement Award, Center for Aging and the Life Course - 2018
- Early Career Research Award, Midwest Nursing Research Society - 2017
Selected Grants
- Co-Investigator, Temporal Dietary and Physical Activity Patterns Related to Health Outcomes. National Cancer Institute (R21 CA224764-01)). Heather Eicher-Miller (PI). Period: 12/01/2017-11/30/2020. Total: $410,906
In the News
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