Hailee Young headshot photo

Pronouns: She/her

Hometown: Terre Haute, Indiana

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Hailee Young

HHS Student Ambassador

HHS Major

Developmental and Family Science

Career Goal

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

Something Cool/Unique About Me

I am the oldest of five with the youngest being 2
I love to crochet!
I am only 4’11”
I have two things I collect: blankets and tumblers/mugs!
I have a cat and she is named after Ashoka Tano from Star Wars (Snips is her name)
I came to Purdue as a Spanish major and decided to switch!

Advice For Students

Always take time for yourself! School can be stressful and your mental health is important! Utilizing campus resources like CAPS, or even finding a calming podcast or quiet place to sit can help maintain good mental health. Also remember to breathe! Concentrate on your breathing when you are feeling overwhelmed. When you concentrate on your breathing it can help calm your body and your mind!

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