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Fowler Memorial House, Room 223
1200 Mitch Daniels Blvd.

Curriculum Vitae Back to Directory

Kimberly Updegraff

Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Science

Areas of Expertise

  • Latinx youth, parent-child and sibling relationships, child and adolescent development and well being

HHS Signature Research Area(s)

  • Developmental Health and Wellness

Department of Human Development and Family Science Research Area(s)

  • Culture and Diversity
  • Health and Well-Being
  • Interpersonal Relations


My research aims to address disparities experienced by marginalized populations, primarily Latinx children, youth and families, through research and rigorous testing of culturally relevant prevention programs. I am particularly interested in family relationships, and especially those among parents and children and sisters and brothers, as sources of strength and challenge in childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood. My team’s work also focuses on sociocultural processes that are associated with family relationships and youth and parent health and well-being. This includes, for example, culturally based strengths (e.g., familism values, Mexican cultural orientations) and contextually-based challenges such as experiences of discrimination and economic hardship. My current project tests the effectiveness of a family-based program delivered in afterschool settings to Latinx children and their parents.


Accepting graduate student applications for the December 1, 2024 deadline.


  • Ph.D., 1997, Pennsylvania State University
  • M.S., 1994, Pennsylvania State University
  • B.S., 1990, Denison University

Current Courses

  • HDFS 332 - Stress and Coping in Contemporary Families

Selected Publications

  • Son, D., & Updegraff, K.A., Umaña-Taylor, A. J. (2022). Familism Values and Mexican-Origin Adolescents’ Disclosure and Secrecy with Fathers and Mothers. Journal of Family Psychology, 36, 1296-1305.
  • Updegraff, K.A., Umaña-Taylor, A. J., Son, D., & Cahill, K. (2022). Mother-child relationships in U.S. Latinx families in middle childhood. Opportunities and challenges in the 21st century. Social Sciences, 11 (1): 1-8. socsci11010008
  • Cahill, K., Updegraff, K.A., Causadias, J., & Korous, K. (2021). Familism Values and Adjustment Among Hispanic/Latino Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 147(9), 947-985. doi:10.1037/bul0000336
  • *Sun, X.,*Updegraff, K.A.,* McHale, S.M., Hochgraf, A.K., Gallagher, A.M., & Umaña-Taylor, A.J. (2021). Implications of COVID-19 School Closures for Sibling Dynamics Among U.S. Latinx Children: A Prospective, Daily Diary Study. Developmental Psychology, 57, 1708-1718. (*Equal contributions)
  • Padilla, J., Vazquez, E., Updegraff, K.A., Umaña-Taylor, A. J., & McHale, S.M. (2021). Mexican-Origin Youth’s Ethnic-Racial Identity Development: The Role of Siblings. Developmental Psychology, 57, 302-308. doi: 10.1037/dev0001072

Selected Honors/Awards

  • Fellow, National Council on Family Relationships - 2020
  • Cowden Distinguished Professor, Arizona State University - 2003-2023
  • Senior Mentor, Society for Research in Child Development Scholar Program - 2019-2020

Selected Grants

  • Principal Investigator. Innovative Family Prevention with Latinos in Disadvantaged Settings. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (R01 HD093649). Adriana Umana-Taylor (MPI), Susan McHale (co-investigator), Mark Feinberg (co-investigator), Damon Jones (co-investigator). Period: 7/1/2018-6/30/2024. Total: $3,020,633)
  • Principal Investigator. Longitudinal Study of Mexican Origin Youth: Culture, Family, and Adjustment. (R01-HD39666). National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Adriana Umana-Taylor (co-PI), Susan McHale (co-PI), Ann Crouter (co-PI), Wayne Osgood (co-investigator). Period: 4/1/2007 – 3/31/2016. Total: $3,586,341.
  • Co-Principal Investigator. Mexican-origin Teen Moms, Their Infants, and Mother Figures. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. (R01-HD061376). Adriana Umana-Taylor (PI). Laudan Jahromi (co-PI), Wayne Osgood (co-investigator). Period: 7/1/2010 to 5/1/2017. Total: $2,929,599.
  • Co-investigator. Developmental, Family, and Cultural Pathways to Young Adulthood. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (RO1-HD32336). Susan McHale (PI), Ann Crouter (PI), Adriana Umana-Taylor (co-investigator), Wayne Osgood (co-investigator). Period: 3/1/2010-2/28/2017. Total: $2,254,851
  • Principal Investigator. Gender Socialization in Mexican American Families. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (R01-HD39666). Susan McHale (co-PI), Ann Crouter (co-PI), Mark Roosa (co-I), Nancy Gonzales (co-I), Roger Millsap (co-I). Period: 9/1/2001-6/30/2007. Total: $1,272,181.

Professional Affiliations

  • Society for Research on Adolescence, Society for Research on Child Development, National Council on Family Relations