Maile Quinton headshot photo

Phone: 765-494-0240


1200 W. State St.
West Lafayette 47907

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Maile Quinton

Assistant Director

Department of Human Development and Family Science


I have been working with children and families for over ten years and I love hearing the children’s stories; laughing and learning with them. I like to be on the same level as the child and really see the world from their perspective. I am quick to observe and take a situation in before reacting which helps my interactions with each child because it gives me the opportunity to really get to know them.

I am a Native Hawaiian and have lived in Hawaii for a year with my grandparents. It was one of the best experiences; I go back there frequently to visit. I have three beautiful nieces whom I love to spend time with; we have a great time together. I am an avid sports fan and you can find me at every Purdue Volleyball game during their season. I also enjoy doing woodworking and usually have a few projects going at once.


  • M.S. Psychology, 2021, Purdue University Global
  • B.S. Human Services, 2010, Purdue University