Pronouns: he/him
Email: dcfrench@purdue.edu
Phone: 765-494-9358
Fowler House, Rm 225 1200 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
1200 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Doran French
Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Science
Department of Human Development and Family Science Research Area(s)
- Culture and Diversity
- Interpersonal Relations
Dr. French’s research focuses on social and emotional development of children and adolescents. He has conducted research on peer relationships, friendship, conflict, psychopathology, and adjustment (e.g., delinquency, substance use, school dropout). Over the past 20 years, he has been increasingly concerned with understanding how children develop within the context of culture. Much of his research has been in Indonesia and China with other projects in Thailand and South Korea.
Current projects include culture and the development of child and adolescent social competence. Some of the projects in Indonesia and China focus on child and adolescent peer relationships, social networks, bullying and victimization, conflict, and romance. research involving children in different cultures (in particular, adolescent friendships in an additional line of research is understanding how Islam is associated with social competence in Indonesia. In particular he is studying how involvement with religious peers is associated with adjustment including substance use and delinquency.
He is the author of:
- Chen, X., French, D. C., & Schneider, B. (Eds.) (2006). Child and adolescent peer relationships in cultural context. Cambridge University Press.
- Lansford, J. E., French, D. C., & Gauvin, M. (2021). Child and adolescent development in cultural context. American Psychology Association.
Not accepting graduate student applications for the December 1, 2024 deadline
- Ph.D, 1980 University of Minnesota
Current Courses
- HDFS 346 - Research Design and Program Evaluation
- HDFS 313 - Adolescent Development
- HDFS 685 - Culture and Human Development
Selected Publications
- French, D. C., Shen, M., & Purwono, U. (in press). Do peers mediate the association between religiosity and alcohol use of Indonesian Muslim adolescents? Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.
- Shen, M., Purwono, U., & French, D. C. (2020). Romance, religion, and problem behavior in Indonesian Muslim adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 81, 87-95.
- French, D. C., Purwono, U., & Shen, M. (2020). Religiosity and positive religious coping as predictors of Indonesian Muslim adolescents’ externalizing behavior and loneliness. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
- Lu, T., Jin, S., Li, L., Niu, L., Chen, X., & French, D. C. (2019). Longitudinal associations between popularity and aggression in Chinese middle and high school adolescents. Developmental Psychology, 54, 2291-2301.
- French, D. C., Purwono, U., Zhao, S., Shen, M., & Eisenberg, N. (2019). Religiosity and effortful control as predictors of Indonesian adolescents’ tobacco and alcohol use: Moderation and mediation. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 29, 321-333.
Selected Grants
- PI, Department of Defense: Early Learning Matters (ELM). Sara Schmitt (Co-PI). Period: 01/12/19 to present. Total: $5,557,674
- Co-PI,. Development of the Early Learning Matters (ELM) Website. National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Sara Schmitt (Co-PI). Period 9/1/21 to present. Total: $965,911