Email: xinran@purdue.edu
Phone: 765-496-2085
Marriott Hall 257
Xinran Lehto
Professor, White Lodging-J.W. Marriott, Jr. School of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Areas of Expertise
- Tourism and hospitality experience design
- Destination marketing and management
- Tourism planning and sustainable product development
- Interface between leisure/hospitality services and technology applications
- Wellness and wellbeing
- Culture factors in HTM
HHS Signature Research Area(s)
- Developmental Health and Wellness
- Healthy Lifestyles and Vital Longevity
- Sustainable Organizations and Thriving Communities
Xinran Lehto is a Professor in the White Lodging-J.W. Marriott, Jr. School of Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTM) at Purdue University. She serves as a member of the Research Council of the College of Health and Human Science at Purdue, as well as a member of the Faculty Affairs Committee of the college. Dr. Lehto’s contributions to the field extend to her editorial leadership positions, including her role as a co-editor of the Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, and as an associate editor of the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. Prior to joining Purdue, Dr. Lehto was an assistant professor at Colorado State University. Before embarking on her academic career, she amassed valuable experience working for 6 years in the travel and tourism industry as a marketing executive in China and Singapore.
Dr. Lehto’s expertise area lies in experience design, management, and marketing in tourism and hospitality. Her current research focuses on delivering optimal experiences and services that enhance consumer well-being. Her work revolves around effectively planning and marketing experience-based vacation products for diverse traveler segments. She places considerable emphasis on understanding how tourists engage with destinations through leisure and hospitality experiences, as well as how various factors such as personal, interpersonal, technological, and cultural elements influence experience design and marketing practices.
Dr. Lehto enjoys an excellent research scholarship reputation. She is well published in first tier refereed international journals, including the top-rated Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, and International Journal of Hospitality Management. Dr. Lehto is the co-recipient of multiple best paper awards from various international conferences and Article of the Year awards from two refereed journals. Dr. Lehto is one of the leading tourism scholars globally, with a Google Scholar citation record of over 13,500 citations, an h-index of 59, and an i10-index of 130.
Dr. Lehto emphasizes the ramifications of her research to the tourism and hospitality industry. She disseminates her research in a wide variety of forums including international conferences and colloquia, refereed journal articles, technical reports, media engagements, and public presentations. She has collaborated closely with community agencies to evaluate and develop programs and strategies related to tourism and leisure services.
Fundamentally, Dr. Lehto views the well-being of travelers and communities as the foundation for all tourism marketing and planning strategies. She considers the design of wellness-centered tourism as both a social responsibility and a strategic advantage for destinations. By integrating these principles into her work, she aims to contribute to the advancement of the field and foster positive impacts in the industry and society at large.
- PhD, 2000, Purdue University
Social Media Accounts
Current Courses
- HTM231 - Hospitality and Tourism Marketing
- HTM173 - Introduction to Tourism Management
- HTM501 - Research Methodology in Hospitality and Tourism Management
- HTM399 - Applications of Data Visualization for Marketing
Professional Affiliations
- Co-Editor-In-Chief, Journal of Destination Marketing and Management
- Immediate Past President, International Tourism Studies Association
- Associate Editor, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research