We’re here to help you take your next giant leap in health sciences. Whether you’re looking for funding to support your Purdue education, searching for an internship, or exploring ways to get more involved within your major or program, the School of Health Sciences offers a variety of tools and resources to help you successfully reach your goals.

Current Undergraduate Student Toolbox

Scholarships and Awards

Explore opportunities to make your education more affordable through departmental scholarships and awards.

A faculty in front of a computer

Honors Research Program

Elevate your research, and gain access to exclusive seminars and peer mentoring opportunities by participating in our health sciences honors research program.

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Gain Research Skills

Dive into the science of asking questions and discover how research improves the world as you develop essential skills for both research and non-research careers.

Get Involved

Find Internships and Jobs

Identify your career interests, learn how to search for jobs and internships, and access job boards and other career-related tools.

Get Experience

Student Organizations

Take your education beyond the classroom by participating in a variety of student organizations related to your major and interests.  


Degree Requirements

Keep your degree on track, and plan for the courses you need to complete your major.


Current Graduate Student Toolbox

AM Class change at Purdue

Scholarships and Awards

From academic achievements to research and teaching excellence, the School of Health Sciences offers a variety of scholarships and awards to recognize your accomplishments.

A faculty in front of a computer


Explore opportunities to help fund your graduate education through departmental fellowships.

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Faculty Research

Help HHS reserach programs grow and thrive by working alongside award-winning faculty on collaborative and individual research projects.

Get Involved

Job Opportunities

Identify your career interests, learn how to search for jobs and internships, and access job boards and other career-related tools.

Get Experience

Student Organization

Feel a sense of connection to the School of Health Sciences’ graduate student community by joining the Health Sciences Graduate Student Organization.

Learn More

Graduate Handbook

Gather additional details about policies, procedures and requirements for your Health Sciences graduate program.
