Hudmon, Karen
Professor |
Courtesy Faculty |
Department of Public Health |
Huffield, Adam
Clinical Assistant Professor |
Faculty |
Department of Nutrition Science |
Hufnagel, Maggie
Graduate Student |
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences |
Hughes, Juniya
Student Ambassador |
College of Health and Human Sciences |
Hunley, Eugenia
Business Manager - NUTR / HK / PUBH |
Staff |
Business Office |
Hunt, Ann
Professor Emerita |
Emeriti Faculty |
School of Nursing |
Hunt, Lauren
Graduate Student |
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences |
Hunting, Hannah
Graduate Student |
School of Nursing |
Hurd, Connor
Associate Academic IT Specialist |
Staff |
IT |
Hustedt-Mai, Alex
Research Audiologist |
Staff |
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences |
Hutchcraft, Ashley
Associate Director of Donor Relations |
Staff |
Advancement |
Hyner, Gerald
Professor Emeritus |
Emeriti Faculty |
Department of Public Health |
Iffert, Emily
Undergraduate Program Coordinator |
Staff |
Department of Psychological Sciences |
Im, Sumin
Graduate Student |
Department of Public Health |
Ingram, Alexandra
Graduate Student |
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences |
Iqbal, Ruchika
Graduate Student |
Department of Health and Kinesiology |
Irvin, Sandra
Professor Emerita |
Emeriti Faculty |
School of Nursing |
Isaacson, Lauren
Graduate Student |
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences |
Islam, Mohammad Jahidul
Graduate Student |
School of Health Sciences |
Islam, Shabeba
Graduate Student |
Department of Psychological Sciences |