Kim, Jisun
Postdoctoral Researcher |
Department of Human Development and Family Science |
Kim, Ashley
Director of Development - NUTR/PSY/PUBH |
Staff |
Advancement |
Kim, Yesol
Graduate Student |
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences |
King, Melissa
Lecturer |
Lecturer |
School of Nursing |
King, Ceridwyn
Named Professor, School Head |
Faculty |
White Lodging-J.W. Marriott, Jr. School of Hospitality and Tourism Management |
Kingery, Krista
Assistant Director of Donor Relations |
Staff |
Advancement |
Kintz, Ava
Graduate Student |
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences |
Kinzig, Kimberly
Professor, Interim Head |
Faculty |
Department of Psychological Sciences |
Kirby, Teri
Associate Professor |
Faculty |
Department of Psychological Sciences |
Kirkpatrick, Jane
Professor Emerita |
Emeriti Faculty |
School of Nursing |
Kistler, Brandon
Assistant Professor |
Faculty |
Department of Nutrition Science |
Klassen, Tony
Systems Administrator |
Staff |
IT |
Kleiner, Russell
Graduate Student |
Department of Public Health |
Klenosky, David
Associate Professor |
Faculty |
Department of Health and Kinesiology |
Klingler, Stacie
Clinical Assistant Professor |
Faculty |
School of Nursing |
Kluender, Keith
Professor Emeritus |
Emeriti Faculty |
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences |
Knauff, Ava
Student Ambassador |
College of Health and Human Sciences |
Knight, Coralie
Lab Manager |
Staff |
Department of Psychological Sciences |
Knopik, Valerie
Named Professor, Professor, Department Head |
Faculty |
Department of Human Development and Family Science |
Knox, Marissa
Lecturer |
Lecturer |
Department of Human Development and Family Science |