
About Our Research

Together, College of Health and Human Sciences (HHS) researchers address challenges people face daily. HHS cultivates an environment that supports innovative research and creative thinking by promoting interdisciplinary research, supporting collaborative initiatives and providing state-of-the-art technology. Within this environment, no challenge is too great and no goal is beyond our reach. From fighting disease to tackling food insecurity to improving financial literacy, each of our research laboratories and centers aspire to discover new knowledge that contributes to our persistent pursuit to improve human health and well-being across all stages of life.

HHS Signature Research Areas

Moving toward the college’s vision to positively impact the behavior, health and quality of life of people, we have established three signature research areas. Co-led by faculty from different disciplines, each signature area offers opportunities for faculty, staff and students to engage with, connect with and expand the scope of research happening within the college and beyond.

image of newborn babies

The College of Health and Human Sciences promotes optimal development across the life span.

We aim to help all individuals thrive physically, socially, emotionally, intellectually, environmentally, occupationally, financially and cognitively. Examples include:

  • Understanding how biological, behavioral, social and environmental factors protect or threaten health and how those mitigate or contribute to risk for social, communicative, metabolic and cognitive disorders.
  • Developing and evaluating the efficacy of interventions for children with developmental, behavioral and communication disorders and advancing methods for ensuring effective education of all children and adolescents.
  • Determining how relationships can foster optimal development across the life span.

Developmental Health and Wellness Research Faculty

Man and woman smiling

HHS promotes optimal aging through the prevention of chronic disease and disability, treatment of diseases of aging and an enhanced quality of life.

We develop new technologies, therapies and applications to enhance relationships, longevity and healthy aging in all communities. Our research seeks to understand how lifestyle, dietary and environmental choices influence health and longevity. Examples include:

  • Establishing how environmental, recreational, occupational or radiation exposures may lead to disability or disease.
  • Defining genetic and biologic mechanisms of neurological disease and diseases of aging as well as underlying social, cultural and structural determinants of disease onset and progression.
  • Understanding the effect of infectious and chronic disease, neurologic injuries and military service on the long-term mental and physical health of individuals and families.

Healthy Lifestyles and Vital Longevity Research Faculty

group of kids laughing

We encourage sustainable and thriving communities and organizations — locally and globally.

Our research seeks to reduce health and wealth disparities, support the development of diverse and inclusive communities and ensure the long-term health of the environment. Together, we persist toward fostering hospitality, inclusion and resilience among individuals from all backgrounds and communities. Examples include:

  • Establishing methods to reduce social biases, food insecurity, systemic inequalities and health disparities and their consequences.
  • Detecting and countering risk and mechanisms for infectious disease spread in local and global contexts.
  • Ensuring sustainable, accessible, high-quality and cost-effective health care organizations and systems of care.
  • Determining and disseminating methods for sustainable protection of the earth’s environment, with special emphasis on tourism and food policies and practices.
  • Promoting the adoption of policies and practices that support healthy lifestyles on the state, national and global level.

Sustainable and Thriving Communities and Organizations Research Faculty

Departments and Schools Research Areas

Within our nine departments and schools, we are solving some of our world’s most pressing challenges through innovative, interdisciplinary research. Whether using cellular, preclinical, clinical, population or community-level approaches, our researchers in each department and school are working together to take their next giant leap in human health and well-being.

Student in Audiology lab

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Participate in Our Research

Interested in making a difference in human health and well-being? Check out some of our ongoing research studies to see if there are opportunities that interest you.

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HHS Research Registry

Join our list of potential participants. By joining, your name and any provided information will be selectively shared with research studies that fit you and your interests. Researchers will then contact you to tell you about their studies. There is no compensation for joining the registry list, but individual studies may provide cash, gift cards, and other forms of compensation. Your information will not be shared beyond researchers here at Purdue and will be retained until you request its removal.

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Resources for HHS Researchers

HHS provides multiple resources to support researchers as they take the next giant leap in discovering new solutions to improve human health and well-being across all stages of life. If you are looking for assistance with research, please contact us using the information below.

Research Toolkit

Contact Us

Cammie McBride

Associate Dean for Research

Patrick Hein

Senior Research Development Administrator

Amanda Warmbold

Research Operations Administrator

Hannah Donley

Lead Administrative Assistant

Connect with Us!

To schedule a meeting with the associate dean for research or the senior research development administrator, please contact

Contact Us

Purdue University
HHS Research
Stone Hall, Room 110
700 West State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907

(765) 494-8210