Degree in 3

Undergraduate Students

The College of Health and Human Sciences offers the opportunity for students to complete their degree in three years for several majors. Completing a Degree in 3 may allow students to enter the work force or graduate/professional school a year earlier than traditional plans of study, while also providing a cost-effective way to complete an undergraduate degree.

Students can complete the three-year option with or without AP credit by adding summer sessions courses to traditional coursework in Fall and Spring semesters. Internship and study abroad opportunities are available for students, too.

Degree in 3 offers a great combination of cost-savings and the opportunity to accelerate your future and achieve your goals.

For more information, contact your Academic Advisor.

3-Year Degree Plans

Major3-Year Degree MapAcademic Advising WorksheetDegree Requirements
Kinesiology2024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 2022
Kinesiology with CEXP2024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 2022
Kinesiology with SMED2024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 2022
Kinesiology with SMGT20242024
Major3-Year Degree MapAcademic Advising WorksheetDegree Requirements
Hospitality and Tourism Management2024 | 2023 | 2022
2024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 2022

Division of Consumer Sciences (CSR)

Major3-Year Degree MapAcademic Advising WorksheetDegree Requirements
Financial Counseling and Planning2024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 2022
Retail Management2024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 2022
Selling and Sales Management2024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 2022
Major3-Year Degree MapAcademic Advising WorksheetDegree Requirements
Developmental and Family Science2024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 2022
Human Services2024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 2022 2024 | 2023 | 2022
Major3-Year Degree MapAcademic Advising WorksheetDegree Requirements
Brain and Behavioral Sciences2024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 2022
Psychological Sciences2024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 2022
Major3-Year Degree MapAcademic Advising WorksheetDegree Requirements
Public Health2024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 2022
Major3-Year Degree MapAcademic Advising WorksheetDegree Requirements
Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences2024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 20222024 | 2023 | 2022


Why does Purdue University offer degrees in an accelerated format?

Degree in 3 aligns with Purdue’s commitment to value in higher education. A three-year degree is a simple innovation that addresses the issue of cost. The level of cost savings depends upon an individual student’s circumstances. Degree in 3 offers students the opportunity to complete a bachelor’s degree in three years, entering the workforce or graduate/professional school and accelerating their earning power. The Degree in 3 suggested arrangement of courses provides an option to help students envision that academic path. 

How does Degree in 3 work?

As a student, you will declare your intent to pursue a Degree in 3 major by the end of your freshman year in order to be assured of the opportunity to enroll in the classes you need to finish in three years. You should initiate a conversation with your Academic Advisor in time to enroll for summer courses after your first year. To complete the Degree in 3, you will take a full academic load for three years in addition to completing summer classes between the first and second and second and third years of study.

Do all majors in the College of Health and Human Sciences (HHS) offer a Degree in 3?

Many, but not all, HHS majors provide a three-year degree plan. View the list of HHS majors above that have a Degree in 3 plan.

If your major does not have a Degree in 3 plan, there may be options to accelerate your degree path to graduation. Contact your Academic Advisor for more information.

If I decide I do not like the program, can I transition to a traditional four-year degree program?

Yes. You are not required to complete the Degree in 3, even after declaring your intent to do so.

If I am already enrolled as a full-time student, can I apply to complete my degree in three years?

Maybe; however, your ability to complete the Degree in 3 may be impacted by a decision to do so late in your current plan of study. Talk with your Academic Advisor to see if Degree in 3 works for you.

What is the cost of a three-year program? Is it cheaper than a four-year degree?

The savings vary depending upon your personal situation, including residency status, campus living situation, scholarships, AP credit, etc. Published tuition rates apply for all academic terms of study. You can see a general cost comparison here. Further questions about tuition may be directed to the Office of the Bursar.

Can I apply for merit awards or scholarships as part of a three-year program?

Incoming and continuing students can apply for scholarships. The College does not offer specific scholarships for students in Degree in 3 at this point in time. Individual Academic Units within the College may have scholarships available.

What is the impact of choosing the three-year degree option on my need-based Purdue financial aid?

Most students should find the percentage of costs covered with grant money will be similar to that over four years of study. Federal loans will also be available for fall, spring, and summer terms. Keep in mind that while we can accelerate your awards, it does not change the aggregate maximums granted.

I received a University-level merit scholarship (Trustees, Presidential, Emerging Leader), what happens to my scholarship if I choose the three-year option? Will I still receive the full scholarship if I graduate early?

Students in the three-year program will be able to use their University-level merit scholarship during the summer. The summer disbursements will count towards 8 semesters of eligibility. A student who attends this program will still be enrolled in 8 semesters when summers are counted.

What study abroad opportunities are available for three-year students?

Opportunities vary based upon your major. Study abroad programs range from one week, to Maymester, to semester, to full year. Please ask your Academic Advisor to learn more.

Can I pursue a double major with the three-year program?

A second major can be pursued; however, completing two majors in three years may not be possible. Please consult with your Academic Advisor.

Can I participate in the Honors College while completing a three-year degree?

Yes, you can complete both a three-year degree and the Honors College requirements.

Do I have to live on campus all three years?

You may select the residence option of your choice. 

If I choose a Degree in 3 option, can I still enroll in a learning community?

Yes. During STAR, you’ll work with an Academic Advisor who can help tailor your plan of study around your desired learning community. HHS has several learning communities to choose from. 

Can I apply AP or IB credits towards a three-year degree?

Yes. Any credit granted by Purdue can be applied as it fits within your specific major’s plan of study.